Postural Assesment & Programme Design - Day 1
Too many trainers design on the spot programmes with little if any results and more importantly they put their trusting clients at risk of injury…
It is time to stop guessing and start assessing!
Learn how to assess posture using advanced techniques to ascertain.
- Functional movement
- Mobility
- Performance
We will look at the main factors that cause postural distortions, decrease neural control and joint dysfunction covering the three main syndromes.
Once the trainer has a client blue print we will look at how to work towards muscles that are optimally aligned at proper length-tension relationships for pain free and efficient functioning, using corrective stretching and myofascial release techniques.

Areas to be Covered:
- Importance of good posture
- Postural distortions and the factors that cause them
- Visual screening
- Kinetic chain assessment
- Functional movement test
- Mobility
- Corrective stretching techniques and myofascial release
- Dynamic stretching
Minimum students: 10
Maximum students: 20
Students to attend 100% of the course
Cost per student: TBC
“A practical hands on day which is an essential accessory for any personal trainer to become position-specific but also offers a fantastic selling tool to stand out from the crowd and maximise their business potential”